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viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

The Door In The Wall

Introduction: We have to write a Leterary Essay, Taking account " The Door In The Wall" or "The Fly In The Ointment" , we will write our Literary Essay. Then we have to choose one story, use the theory, the example and the graphic organizer and write the essay between 400-500 words.

In the Door in  the Wall, by H.G.Wells, a boy called Wallace when he was five years old, he saw a door in a Wall. That door was green and the wall was white. Into the door there was a garden that had animals, flowers and it was a fantastic place. Then inside in the garden he found a woman that represented his mother and showed him a book and inside it he saw a summary of his life. One of the themes in this story was reality versus Imagination.
Reality was represent in the story because Wallace compared his misserable life with the life inside the garden. He was a Politician as a child , He suffered the loss of his mother and his father´s rejection since he was a very busy man. Then he was a man with many skills, he was a brillant worker who could have made it to the cabinet if he had been alive he was a good student and he was good at sports.
Imagination was always present in the story because it represent to the life he imagined in the garden. Wallace´s imagination had been opressed by his father to become a successful man. It was also present when he entered inside the door and the door did not exist, It was Wallace´s imagination because the door changed the Position all the Time. He was so eager to find the door again.
We can say that another theme could be loneliness because he was the only one who was able to see that door. His mother was dead and his father pais little attention to him. Ad a result of his loneliness we can say that his mind had created the door in order to make him imagine things that would make him feel lonely.
In The Door in the Wall Wallace showed the reader wht any person would do if they felt lonely. I found this story interesting because It constantly made me think when he was going to cross the door or not. The author was constantly shifting between the two main themes in this story and vept the reader´s attention.

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2013

Lonely Tom

Introductions:  We have to write a short story of 500-600 words. In the short Story we have to include a situation of tension between a mother and a son, or a conflict of social classes. The genre of the story must be " Drama" and the tone must be either tragic or melancolic.

This story was about a family that lived in claudy London. Sarah, Tom´s mother had got 39 years old. She was pretty and a good person, she liked having her house in order but it´s difficult because Tom was a very messy boy. She worked at home doing the chores , a disappointed job. Tom had got 15 years old, he went to school, he was not doing well in his subjects and also he behaved badly. He didn´t have friend´s at school because he was always bothering his mates. He always only in class. He was known as the most ammoying person in the class. Robert who had been married to Sarah for 17 years was a 40-year-old man, with a tired look in his eyes. Sometimes he wished he could be a famous person but unfortunately, he resagned at that life because he married Sarah. He worked as a seller, he sold newspapers and magazines and was an exhausting job. One day the head of the school wanted to talk to them about Tom, so she met Srah and Robet.
Head: "Welcome Mrs and Mr Romeo,I wanted to talk to you about Tom".
Sarah: " Is everything okey?"
Head: " Not really, Tom doesn´t work in class during the lessons and he doesn´t get along with his mates"
Robert: " Sarah and me didn´t have a clue about this"
Head: " I know the reason why Tom has low marks in almost every subject and why he behaves so bad".
Surprisingly the head told them the reason.Tom wanted a brother because he feel very alone and he needed company. He was angry at his parents. Robert and Sarah were shocked and sad. When they went home Robert and Sarah decided to talk to Tom. They told him that they couldn´t have a brother because they were old. Robert told Tom something he didn´t know, Tom used to have an older brother but unfortunately he died when he was 3 years old because of a terrible desease. Tom was shocked but he told them that they could adopt a brother. Tom couldn´t believe his parents and his parents couldn´t believe he wa so desapressed. Three months after this conversation Tom didn´t improve at school and his relationship with his mates was even worse. So Robert and Sarah decided to change Tom to another school. Robert thought that Tom had understood the reason they gave him but Tom didn´t see to understand since he had been ignoring his `parents for three Months now. As time went by, Tom started to hang out with new friends that he met in the club. He knew he was never going to stop feeling lonely, he also knew he couldn´t change his parents because he loved them so much that he had to understand them same day. His parents bought Tom a dog and little by little he started to speak to them again. 

viernes, 2 de agosto de 2013



What is a basalt rock?
Basalt is an extructive igneous rock that is very dark in color. It is the most common type of rock in the Earth´s crust and it makes up most of the ocean floor.

Type of rock
Basalt is an Igneous rock , the main characteristic of igneous rock´s are :
-they are formed by solidification of molten rock ( lava or magma )
- will have intergrown crystals 
- minerals solidified or fused together.

It´s  modern use 

Basalt is used in construction (e.g. as building blocks or in the groundwork), making cobblestones(from columnar basalt) and in making statues. Heating and extruding basalt yields stone wool  an excellent thermalinsulator.

How it´s formed?
Basalt forms when lava reaches the Earth´s surface at a volvano or mid ocean ridge. The lava is between 1100 to 1250º C when it gets to the surface. It cools quickly, within a few days or a couple weeks,forming solid rock.

Location of Basalt rock
Most of the basalt found on Earth was produced in just three rock-forming environments: 1)oceanic divergent boundaries  2) oceanic hotspots and 3) mantle plumes and hotspots beneath contrients. The images below feature some of these basalt-forming environments. 

Distinguished features:
They are completely crystallized, but with very small crystals, generally invisible to the naked eye, black or very dark gray in color, sometimes contains gas bubbles (as shown in image above).


What is a dolomite rock ?
is a carbonate sedimentary rock containing more than 50% by weight of the mineral dolomite 

It´s  modern use
Dolomite is used as an ornamental stone, a concrete aggregate, a source of magnesium oxide and in the Pidgeon process for the production of magnesium .Dolomite is also used as the substrate in marine (saltwater) aquariums to help buffer changes in pH of the water.

How  it's formed?

They are Sedimentary rock´s this means that they were formed by sediments. 


¿What is a Conglomerate rock?

Conglomerate is a rock that has pieces of other rocks glued together to form one larger chunk.  It is a sedimentary rock that can be found along beaches, rivers, and glaciers where water or ice drops them off. This rock is a kind of calcific sedimentary rock that has various pieces of the different other rocks glued together.

It´s  modern use
t is sometimes used as a decoration.  A chunk might be polished and sit in a mall or office building.  It might be used as an inside wall of a building.  It is not very strong and doesn’t have a lot of uses other than decoration.  Conglomerate is pretty and can have lots of colors. 

 where it is formed?

They look so different because they were formed in different places and were made up of different kinds of small rocks, sand, and minerals.

miércoles, 24 de julio de 2013

My Soliloquy

We had to make a Soliloquy , we have to imagine that I was Gerard Manley before he wrote the poem "Pied Beauty" and I have to travelled to the English country side to find inspiration for my poem . The soliloquy must have 250-300 words based on that experience, based on that moment when I was starting at the place and thinking about ideas of mi next Poem .

Oh look at that !!! I have many Ideas of what I can write about in my next poem. Now I'am  very happy, I love the Ideas that I have in my brain. Look at that, the trees are very beautiful, The colour that the trees have are wonderful, I like that very much , God was rigth when he created the tree. Oh, this place is fantastic and all the things that It had was special. It is a funny day , all the flowers have a different form and beautiful colour. Oh how nice It was to see this landscape plotted and pieced-falls, finches;wings, so magical !!! . Oh beautiful God flying free with colored dots somilar to a rainbow, the magical sky gave me great joy. The violet clouds in the form of sheeps jumping. A wonderful large and round sun that covers part of the sky with It's rays with different colours, red, blue,orange,green and pink. Skies of couple-colour as a brinded cow, the birds whistling on an extraordinary singing , cheering the mornings and afternoons. The green grass like frogs jumping from here to there, this is wonderful. Things are more beautiful than I thought. Oh how nice this place to spend the day, here is very quiet, no noises there, but the only hear the sounds of the wild animals, would have to take them elsewhere.  

miércoles, 26 de junio de 2013

Una Búsqueda Especial

Todo comenzó cuando la familia de esta criatura llamada Aletusem Stractus lo habían dejado frente a una cabaña en Alaska cuando era chico. Aletusem era una especie que se alimentaba raspando rocas que dejaba el sol al descubierto. Era de un tamaño de 20 cm de alto y 10 cm de ancho. Su habilidad era que tenia poder de hacerse invisible cuando el lo deseaba.El llamaba su atención por la forma en la que miraba, parecía demasiado inteligente.Era diferente a los demás porque Aletusem podía escuchar lo que los demás decían y les podía llegar a contestar. Aletusem estaba perdido hasta que llego a un lugar donde se encontró con animales de su misma especie.

Cuando los días pasaban las especies se acercaron a el y empezaron a conocerse. Era muy difícil la vida en un lugar tan frió y sin el calor de un ambiente confortable. Aletusem le contó al grupo que por las noches se sentía muy triste al estar solo y sin tener muy claro la razón por lo cual fue abandonado.

Una mañana se le acerco una especie con cara de lobo y cuerpo muy peludo y un oso picaron que lo empujo haciéndolo rodar por la nieve, entonces el le pregunto:
-Oso gordo ¿Porque me empujas?.-
-Te empujo porque te veo triste y quiero sacarte del enojo que tenes.Yo también estoy solo y abandonado.- Dijo el Oso
-JAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJA, ustedes mientras que pelean yo me divierto viéndolos discutir.- Intervino el Lobo.
Sorprendido Aletusem hizo una sonrisa y les dijo:
-Que tal si nos hacemos amigos?
-Que tal si nos hacemos amigos ya que compartimos la misma desgracia de estar solos y abandonados.- Dijo el Oso

Rieron los tres felices y contentos!!!!

miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Carrera al 20

En la clase de informática con nuestra profesora de matemática e informática  tuvimos que realizar un  Scratch llamado "Carrera al 20". En el cual hay dos jugadores que deben elegir un numero entre el 1 y el 2 hasta legar al 20 , el que llega  es el ganador !!!
Usamos "Bandera verde" para darle comienzo al juego.
Las instrucciones "SI" fueron usadas para decirte si el numero elegido era correcto y el "NO" por si estaba mal .
Las "variables" para dar los nombres de los jugadores.
En fin hemos aprendido a realizar un trabajo en Scratch, espero que les guste !

sábado, 25 de mayo de 2013

Diary Entry " A Diferent History''

We had to make a Diary Entry on a poem that called  " A Different History" wich were seeing in Literature. We had to make as if I was Sujata Batth in the times in wich the British were colonizing India.

17th May, Of 1866

Dear Diary

It was another boring day! cleaning my bed as usual, when someone opened the door violently. They were the British, They caught me and threw me away of the house. I tried to run as fast as I could , So when I arrived somewhere of the street, a car stoped in the place I was, I asked him if he could leave me at the centre of the city. When he left me alone I started to cry. I was so sad! I am still in shock , and the memories of the men fighting with my dad and I felt bad. I am still thinking about where my mother is , this is not my real diary, I lost it when the British were there , and why in my family? , why my city?, why me? what can I do ! . Then I found a boy and I asked him to help me . He told me that the best thing that I could do was To stay at home and wait in silence. But the problem was that I didn't have home , So he told me to come to his house, "I live in the 181 Castelli in ... " and he couldn't finish , because the British killed him . So crying I started to run. I found an abandoned little house near the field. Si I entered there and I hid in a corner, crying and I slept. When I woke up I was in the same place and all was in silence , So I started looking if someone was there and nobody answered and nobody was in any place. I'm calm here in this house writing this Diary Sheet of paper. 

So I will leave you and continue waiting for something to happen.
Hope to see you tomorrow with good news.  Kisses             Sujata Batth !!

viernes, 10 de mayo de 2013

Traduccion Cientifica de Aletucen Stractus

El descubrimiento de Aletucen Stractus, fue en Alaska en el año 1828.

El científico John Stractus se encontraba analizando unas rocas nevadas y de pronto vio que se movían unas ramas y apareció este ser desconocido hasta el momento por el, día tras día lo estuvo observando.

Características sobre Aletucen Stractus 
Su tamo era de 20 cm de alto y 10 cm de ancho,sus brazos y sus piernas delgadas, de su cabeza salían antenas que seguramente servían para orientarse. Es de color verde agua ,su espalda marrón , sus miembros superiores e inferiores color gris oscuro. Su forma de ser podemos decir que es muy malo , peligroso y no le gusta la gente . Llamaba la atención por la forma en la que miraba , parecía ser bastante inteligente . Observándolo también vio que tenia dientes largos , boca grande , ojos grandes saltones y un andar muy lento.

Su alimentación 
Comía mucho. Se alimentaba raspando rocas que dejaba el sol al descubierto, de ahí su dentadura enorme. También se lo pudo ver triturando troncos de arboles.

Su Reproducción
Se reproduce en verano, su gestación es de 5 meses y no tiene mas de cuatro crías que su madre acompaña hasta que crecen pasando los 10 cm de alto. Luego se mueven las crías por si solas !! .

sábado, 4 de mayo de 2013


In history we had study Russia in century 20. We were watching different habitants , some of them are immigrants, after also saw section country's industrial and also different biomes for example Tundra and Forests .

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

Niños del Hombre !!

Los aspectos negativos que aparecen es que  las ciudades importantes se hallan en desorden , también las mujeres habían perdido la fertilidad y no podían tener hijos , a los inmigrantes los ponían en campos de concentraciones , el mundo esta siendo arrasado por las guerras , el terrorismo nuclear , la contaminación , hombres que perdieron la capacidad de procesar . 

Un Gueto es un área separada de un origen ya que religioso o cultural. Un ejemplo es la religión judía , quienes padecieron el gueto mas conocido en la historia y el mas grande que ocurrió en Europa(el gueto de varsovia).  Este Gueto fue establecido por la Alemania nazi que habitaba en Polonia cuando ocurrió el holocausto en la segunda guerra mundial. Al sufrir enfermedades, padecer hambre y su población se redujo de 400 000 habitantes a tan solo 50 000. Acá les dejo la fuente donde obtuve toda esta información Gueto  . 

Esta película que se llama " Niños del Hombre " me pareció muy buena y interesante. Yo si la recomendaría para que las personas la vean porque es muy linda , seguramente les va a gustar mucho !!!

martes, 23 de abril de 2013

Museo De La Plata

Salimos del colegio sabiendo que íbamos a ir a visitar un museo de Ciencias Naturales que quedaba en la Plata , A la cuidad de la plata la había escuchado mucho hace 20 días por televisión donde hubo una inundación muy grande en donde mucha gente perdió sus casas y hubo muchos muertos , Entonces pensé ... A ese lugar vamos a ir ? Cuando llegamos entramos junto a un guia que nos hicieron recorrer y explicando cada sala que era lo que aprecia en cada una de ellas y lo que mas me impacto fueron las momias porque nunca había visto una y solo las había visto en libros o en películas. 
Despues fuimos a la Catedral y la verdad que me encanto poder verla porque nunca la había conocido , me impactaron sus naves y sus inmensos ventanales con sus maravillosos vitros . 

miércoles, 20 de marzo de 2013


Híbrido: El cebroide es un animal híbrido obtenido del cruce de una cebra con cualquier otro equino. Hay dos posibilidades, que se crucen cebra con caballo: Zebrallo, o cebra con burro: cebrasno. 
En el primer caso lo normal es que el animal sea completamente rayado, por eso este ejemplar se ha convertido en el protagonista del parque safari de la localidad de Schloss Holte-Stukenbrock, en Alemania. Su nombre es “Eclyse” y nació en 2006 con sólo dos manchas a rayas en su cuerpo, una en la cabeza y otra en la parte trasera, siendo blanco el resto del cuerpo. 

Fósil: Los fósiles tienen la misma forma que el obeto original, ya fuera un hueso, una planta, etc. pero su color, densidad, y textura no son los mismos, evidentemente. El color del fósil dependerá de qué minerales lo hayan formado. Su textura también depende del mismo factor. Y, por supuesto, la densidad del mismo también. Son más pesados que el original ya que están formados enteramente de los minerales

Biodiversidad :  La cantidad y variedad de ellas se conoce como riqueza de especies. Con respecto a los ecosistemas, su diversidad generalmente se evalúa teniendo en cuenta la cantidad de especies que viven en él. En 10 km pueden convivir 760 especies de árboles, 125 de mamíferos, 400 de aves, 100 de reptiles y 60 de anfibios.
Se han clasificado alrededor de 1,7 millones de especies hasta la actualidad. De ellas, el grupo mejor evaluado es el de los animales vertebrados


La Evolucion biologica es el conjunto de transformaciones o cambios a traves del tiempo que ha originado la diversidad de formas de vida que existen sobre la tierra a partir de un antepasado comun . evolución significa algo que se desenvuelve o desarrolla, un cambio ordenado y gradual de un estadio a otro.